Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrestis Review: Enhanced Performance

The combination of Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis has gained attention for its potential to enhance physical performance and stamina, particularly among men engaged in regular workouts. This supplement, enriched with L-Citrulline and L-Arginine, is reputed to boost circulation and muscle development. While the majority of users report noticeable improvements in performance metrics and nutrient utilization, some have encountered adverse effects like itchiness and breathing difficulties. This overview explores the intricate balance of benefits and drawbacks, shedding light on whether this potent blend lives up to its claims.

Key Takeaways

  • Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis support muscle development and nutrient utilization.
  • The formulation enhances stamina, intensity, and physical performance, particularly for men who workout regularly.
  • Contains L-Citrulline and L-Arginine for improved blood flow and circulation.
  • Manufactured in the USA with Non-GMO ingredients, free from common allergens.
  • Undergoes rigorous third-party testing for safety and efficacy, ensuring high-quality standards.

Product Overview

The Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrestis supplement is formulated to enhance stamina, intensity, and overall men's health performance, leveraging a potent blend of natural ingredients.

Each serving contains a potent mix equivalent to 54,300mg of raw ingredients, including Tongkat Ali 100:1, Fadogia Agrestis 10:1, L-Citrulline, and L-Arginine.

Manufactured in the USA within an FDA-registered facility, the supplement is composed of Non-GMO ingredients and is free from soy, tree nuts, wheat, dairy, fillers, and preservatives. Third-party testing ensures it meets rigorous standards for heavy metals and microbial content.

Designed especially for men beyond their physical prime, it aims to support improved performance levels and overall vitality through well-researched, natural components.


Building upon the product overview, an in-depth examination of the Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrestis supplement reveals its potential benefits and ingredients. This supplement, crafted for men's health performance, combines potent extracts of Eurycoma Longifolia and Fadogia Agrestis with L-Citrulline and L-Arginine. It aims to enhance stamina, intensity, and overall physical performance, particularly for older individuals.

Key highlights include:

  • Ingredient Efficacy: The combination of Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis is designed to support muscle development and nutrient utilization.
  • Formulation: Enhanced with L-Citrulline and L-Arginine to improve blood flow and circulation.
  • Quality Assurance: Produced in an FDA-registered facility with Non-GMO ingredients and third-party tested for safety.

This supplement is recommended for men who engage in regular workouts.

Detailed Features

Although many supplements claim to enhance performance, the detailed features of Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrestis set it apart by combining potent botanical extracts with scientifically-backed amino acids.

Each serving contains 1200mg of a potent blend, equivalent to 54,300mg of raw ingredients. This includes Tongkat Ali 100:1 and Fadogia Agrestis 10:1 extracts, known for supporting stamina and intensity.

Enhanced with L-Citrulline and L-Arginine, the formulation aids in widening blood vessels, improving circulation and performance.

Made in the USA in an FDA-registered facility, the product is non-GMO and free from common allergens and preservatives. Additionally, it undergoes rigorous third-party testing for heavy metals and microbes to ensure safety and efficacy.

Pros and Cons

While Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrestis offers several benefits such as enhanced stamina and improved circulation, it also presents some drawbacks worth considering. Users report significant improvements in physical performance and muscle development, particularly when combined with regular workouts. However, adverse reactions have been noted by some, including itchiness and breathing difficulties. Additionally, the inability to return the product in case of negative side effects can be a significant deterrent.

  • Pros:
  • Enhanced stamina and physical performance
  • Improved circulation due to L-Citrulline and L-Arginine
  • Positive feedback on muscle development and nutrient utilization
  • Cons:
  • Potential for adverse reactions (e.g., itchiness, difficulty breathing)
  • Inflexible return policy
  • Mixed user experiences regarding effectiveness

Concluding Thoughts

Taking into consideration the various benefits and drawbacks, Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrestis presents a compelling option for men seeking to enhance their physical performance and stamina, albeit with some caution due to potential adverse effects.

The supplement's formulation, bolstered by L-Citrulline and L-Arginine, supports improved circulation and performance, particularly for older individuals. User testimonials highlight significant gains in muscle development and overall body benefits, though adverse reactions have been reported.

The product's quality assurance, including third-party testing and Non-GMO ingredients, further adds to its appeal. However, potential users should be mindful of adverse effects and consider cycling the supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to See Results From This Supplement?

Results from this supplement may vary, but users typically report noticeable improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. Individual experiences can differ based on factors such as age, health status, and adherence to recommended dosages.

Can This Supplement Be Taken With Other Medications?

Approximately 70% of users report enhanced performance. Consulting with a healthcare provider is crucial before combining this supplement with other medications to avoid potential interactions and ensure safe, effective use tailored to individual health needs.

Are There Any Dietary Restrictions While Using This Supplement?

No specific dietary restrictions are noted while using this supplement. However, it is advisable to maintain a balanced diet and consult a healthcare professional to ensure compatibility with your personal health conditions and dietary habits.

What Is the Recommended Dosage for Beginners?

The recommended dosage for beginners is 1200mg per serving, which equates to one serving of the supplement, taken as directed on the label. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen.

Is This Supplement Suitable for Vegans?

While the supplement avoids certain common allergens and fillers, it does not explicitly state its suitability for vegans. Prospective vegan users should verify ingredient sources and production processes to ensure compliance with their dietary preferences.


In summary, the amalgamation of Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, L-Citrulline, and L-Arginine manifests significant enhancements in physical stamina and performance, particularly for men engaged in regular exercise.

Despite sporadic adverse reactions such as itchiness and breathing difficulties, the general consensus reflects a positive impact on circulation and muscle development.

As with any ergogenic aid, caveat emptor—buyers should be mindful of potential side effects while leveraging the benefits of this supplement.